Workshop 1: Self Awareness

Our foundational workshop is all about getting to know yourself before getting to know others. Using the profiling tool Emergenetics®, you will learn to understand your and others’ communication preferences. You will also work collectively to begin considering your own goals and aspirations, as well as those for the wider team and the business.

Benefits of our approach

  • Interactive and fun. Delegates remember much more of what they experience than what they hear
  • Delivered by experienced experts. The quality of facilitation is critical to the learning experience
  • Consistency in planning, preparation and pricing
  • Flexibility in content. We can adjust the level of challenge according to the audience requirements

“the experience was very interactive – enjoyed the discussions”

Emergenetics Associate

Understanding what makes you and your individual team members tick, through the Emergenetics profiling tool. Learning how your profile is going to affect your leadership style.

Exploring how Emergenetics impacts on team interactions, through interactive exercises that help colleagues learn more about each other.

Now you understand how you and your colleagues are wired to approach the world, you can link to this to the kind of high performing, collaborative culture you want to develop in your business.

Need your foot soliders to become managers? Need your managers to become leaders? Get in touch and we’ll be delighted to help!